Recognizing Our Worth in Recovery

In recovery, it's common to struggle with feelings of unworthiness. Many of us have made mistakes, hurt ourselves , hurt others, and sometimes it can feel like these things define us. But I want to tell you today that none of us are worthless. Each one of us has incredible value, and we have something unique to contribute to the world.

Jesus reminds us of this in the Parable of the Three Servants in Matthew 25:14-30

A man gives his servants different amounts of money (or talents) and asks them to take care of it. Two of the servants take what they were given and multiply it, but one servant, out of fear, buries his talent in the ground, hiding it away. When the man returns, he praises the two who used their talents but rebukes the one who buried his, not because he had fewer talents, but because he didn’t see his value or believe he could make a difference.

“To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.” (Matthew 25:29, NLT)

We are all given something, and it's not about how much we have but how we use it. Even when I felt like I had little to offer, I’ve come to realize that whatever we have, whether it's our experience, our kindness, our willingness to listen, or our time is incredibly valuable. We are each given unique talents, and now we have the opportunity to use them for good.

I’ve learned that I have gifts that can help others, even if at one point I thought they were insignificant. Maybe it’s sharing my story with someone who feels alone, or maybe it’s just being there for someone when they need it. We might be tempted to think, "What can I offer? I’ve screwed up too many times." But if we let that fear hold us back, we’re like the servant who buried his talent, and we’re hiding away something that could bring light to someone else.

This journey has shown me that none of us are worthless, and each of us has something amazing to contribute. When we choose to let our light shine, we find healing and purpose, and we remind others that they, too, have a light worth sharing. So, if you ever feel unworthy or believe the lie that you don’t have anything to offer, remember this that you have a unique gift that only you can share, and the world is better for it.

Let’s not hide our talents, but instead, let’s share them freely. When we do, we not only enrich our own lives, but we bring hope and encouragement to others who may need it.

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